That isolated device can decode PWM signals. It can be used as a pulse counter as well. You can add Ethernet, Wireless or GSM connectivity to this device.
The Yocto-PWM-Rx is a 2 channels PWM input. Each channel can report frequency, duty cycle, and pulse length. It works from 0.05Hz to 250Khz and accepts any -30..+30V signal as long as it crosses the 0.7V threshold.
Each channel also features a pulse counter linked to a time counter. This allows to integrate over time the output of sensors such as flow-meters. The pulse counter works from 0 to 250kHz.
The two PWM inputs are galvanically insulated from the USB bus. This will allow you to connect the Yocto-PWM-Rx to main-powered equipments without risking to fry your computer.
This device can be connected directly to an Ethernet network using a YoctoHub-Ethernet, to a WiFi network using a YoctoHub-Wireless-g, it can even be connected to a GSM network thanks to the YoctoHub-GSM.
USB cables and enclosure to be ordered separately.