USB device featuring a 3D high precision inclinometer sensor. You can add Ethernet, Wireless or GSM connectivity to this device.
Do you need to measure some tilt angles with great accuracy? then the Yocto-Inclinometer might be the solution. This device is based on Murata's SCL3300 sensor. That sensor works with a 3D accelerometer precise enough to give you a 0.01° accuracy when measuring an angle. Beware this device doesn't feature any compass. You can measure tilt angles, but horizontal orientation is not available.
The Yocto-Inclinometer can be installed in any position: Reference frame changes are handled by the device. The device will automatically compute tilt angles, no extra computing is required in the application.
The device can be split, allowing to move the sensor part away, on a moving part for instance.
This device can be connected directly to an Ethernet network using a YoctoHub-Ethernet, to a WiFi network using a YoctoHub-Wireless-n and to a GSM network using a YoctoHub-GSM